Dorchester planning applications out for consultation this week

Planning applications in and around Dorchester out for consultation this week include:
P/LBC/2022/01375 and P/HOU/2022/01337 - 33 Briantspuddle
Erect single storey lean-to kitchen extension and internal alterations to form first floor bathroom and erect single storey lean-to kitchen extension and free standing gazebo.
The applicant wants to add a new first floor en-suite adjacent to a first floor bedroom, a new dog sleeping area to be created off a modern addition kitchen and a new detached gazebo to be installed within the grounds.
Comments can be made on these applications until March 31.
P/HOU/2022/01085 - 1 Middle Farm Cottages
Erect single storey rear and two storey side extension. Erect entrance porch and detached two bay garage.
The applicant wants to build both a single storey extension and a two storey extension and create a new porch entrance, as well as erecting a two bay garage.
Comments can be made on this application until March 23.
P/HOU/2022/00839 - 7A Dorchester Road
Erect rear ground extension and first floor extension. Erect double garage, lift shaft and terrace. Replace existing roof and build walls up at first floor. Render external walls and replace windows and doors. (Demolish existing front and rear conservatories).
The applicant wants to build a ground floor and first floor extension, create a terrace and have a lift within the property as well as demolish both existing front and rear conservatories. They also want to carry out external changes and refurbishment.
Comments can be made on this application until April 1.
P/FUL/2022/00443 - 19 Colliton Street
Change of use from surgery to 1 no. residential dwelling.
The applicant wants to change the use of the property from a chiropody surgery/office to residential accommodation. The first floor is currently a flat.
Comments can be made on this application until April 1.
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