'Catapult kids' causing vandalism and killing birds in Dorchester

By Trevor Bevins - Local Democracy Reporter

2nd Aug 2023 | Local News

Lubbecke Way and the Mill Stream area where duck attacks have taken place
Lubbecke Way and the Mill Stream area where duck attacks have taken place

'Catapult kids' are wreaking havoc in Dorchester – attacking wildlife and smashing floodlight bulbs at the town rugby club.

The attacks have included killing ducks in the river off Lubbecke Way, recently reported by the police, and aiming at seagulls in Brewery Square.

The same group of teenage boys is thought to be responsible for throwing bread into the path of oncoming cars in Maiden Castle Road in the hope that seagulls they have tempted towards them will get run over.

The issues were discussed by Dorchester Town Council this week, where Cllr Janet Hewitt said the latter incident involved a group of seven lads and was witnessed by several people.

Cllr Les Fry said the attacks on the floodlights at the Rugby Club, off Coburg Road, would be "significantly expensive" for replacements.

The regular slot for local police to speak to councillors about local issues was not attended by an officer, with a short written report sent to the town council saying there had been "no unexpected spikes in crime" in the county town.

The Mayor of Dorchester, Cllr Alistair Chisholm, said he was appalled to hear about the behaviour of school-age children across the town, but said that plans were underway for additional CCTV cameras which might deter the incidents.

One of these will be placed in the Mill Stream area, close to the riverside path junction.

Cllr Chisholm encouraged people to report incidents directly to the police, or if unsure about calling the police, or having difficulty in getting through to them, to make a report to the town council offices where staff would pass the details on.

"If the police are not informed there is little that they can do," he said.

"I am sure, with their limited resources, that they are trying to do something."

Dorchester Police said that they have already increased patrols in the area around the Mill Stream and River Frome, after more than 20 dead birds were discovered in the area.

Said a spokesperson for Dorchester Police: "If you see any such behaviour then please phone in immediately with any descriptions, direction of travel and any names known. Neighbourhood Policing Team will continue to patrol the area."

Pics – Lubbecke Way and the Mill Stream area where duck attacks have taken place


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